

For Rexona, the marketing challenge meant it was very important to actively listen to what people were talking about and to start talking to them in a relevant manner with the right message coming from the brand.

Being proactive in seeking opportunities would help Rexona to continue improving sales and being one of the most important deodorants brands in the Argentinian market.

Brand insight: “Rexona won’t let you down”.


#WhatsappBuchón is a real-time marketing case. This means that is directly aimed at listening to what consumers are talking about and find the way to timely enter in this conversation in a way that truly generates engagement.

The case took place the day Whatsapp announced its “read messages” identifier. Immediately, people started talking about it on social networks. In just a few minutes, #WhatsAppBuchon became a trending topic due to the variety of messages and analogies that were circulating.

In that specific moment, Rexona detected the opportunity to join the conversation with relevant content, saying that while the application users felt abandoned, “Rexona won’t let you down”.


Rexona decided to start talking with people and not to interrupt them. The main idea was to engage people with Rexona’s message and generate content to inspire them to continue talking about the topic. So Initiative went from generating just one relevant message at the right time to having conversations in real time.

Rexona immediately redirected the conversation and @RexonaArg started trending in Argentina. The media stopped talking about Whatsapp and started talking about how brands were joining and Rexona appeared in first place.

But the most important thing is that the message stopped being just Rexona´s, and became everyone´s. People really loved it!


- The message reached 41% of the target and was seen by over 7,225,000 people in just two days. This is almost 1,000% more than the average posts Rexona does in a year.
- 132,147 likes & 21,500 shares. This means 15,000% more than the yearly average.

- @RexonaArg became Trending Topic in Argentina.
- Engagement Rate was 8% (versus a benchmark of 2%)
- The tweet exceeded 2 million posts with more than 15,000 FAVS & 23,000 Retweets, representing 80,000% more than the average tweets in a year.
- In just one day @RexonaArg gained the same amount of followers as it would in a year.

In terms of business results, in November Rexona achieved a record share of market for the brand.

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