Kiri Better when shared 

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Cooking and eating take centre stage during Ramadan. It is a crucial period for Kiri and also the most cluttered time of the year for F&B brands. People fast all day and consume significant amounts of media during these fasting hours. This change in media consumption results to an increase of TV viewership by 20-30% (Source: Ipsos, Statex 2016). Year on year, F&B brands have gotten more aggressive with advertisement spends resulting in a very cluttered market space. While bigger players spend millions of dollars on TV, smaller ones try to break through the clutter with tear dropping emotional communication, CSR campaigns, and dominate the second most influential touchpoint 'Digital'. 

For years, KIRI was the only cheese player capitalising on this opportunity until 2015, when a key competitor, Puck, started advertising during this period, stealing SOV and threatening Kiri’s MS. 

During Ramadan, a mother puts herself under high pressure to master the Iftar table, and be the best host during the celebrations. She wants to prove herself and do her best because her family and peers have high expectations. Furthermore, a Kiri mother wants more than just recognition; she is looking for self-gratification, and is socially conscious. 

Marrying a Kiri Mothers love for cooking with the unspoken high quantity of food wastage during this month (38% of food prepared every day is wasted), Kiri helped uplift a mums role in the community as a whole by helping her give back to society without adding anything extra to her extensive list of to-dos during Ramadan. 


Wanting to play a vital role in facilitating the giving back process for mothers during Ramadan, given the load and responsibility she has during this busy period, Kiri partnered up with UBER in the major markets - UAE & KSA to deliver “#BetterWhenShared” Kiri boxes to those less fortunate. 

Kicking off a bit before Ramadan, when all the stocking up for F&B products takes place, the agency used four mummy influencers to introduce the campaign and generate noise on social and TV. It started with eight short Buzzfeed-style videos of the influencers favourite Ramadan Recipes (the Insight: searches for recipes on Google increase X100 times during Ramadan) which they cooked and then in packed in the “#BetterWhenShared” Kiri boxes to share with those less fortunate. These influencers also proactively showed support for the Kiri #BetterWhenShared boxes on their social channels, and some of this content was even featured on the top morning show in KSA “Sabah El Kheir Ya Arab” on TV. 

While the dawn of Ramadan Set in, Zenith went all out on Digital endorsing the #betterWhenShared initiative through a heart moving video that showed the purpose of the boxes and how one could have the boxes for free anytime from 4 PM to 10 PM each day using UBER. Uber even made another version of the same video and promoted it across all their owned assets showing support for the cause.  

All in all, the campaign stood out even in the clutter of Ramadan because it gave mothers content they like– recipes, it used mummy influencers who are loved and cherished by these mothers and also helped them give back to the society saving them the extra effort in an already taxing time. In the real sense, it was their ally during the holy month of Ramadan! 


In this region, the Kiri mother is very tech savvy and progressive as compared to the traditional mother. According to data, during Ramadan women watch more YouTube, perform more searches, and access the internet on their mobile devices more frequently. However, brands continue to invest heavily in traditional advertising channels, despite the fact that advertising costs skyrocket and the chances of making an impression plummet. In this campaign, the agency leveraged every window of opportunity it could to be cost-effective, adaptive to the new age mothers' digital requirements and innovative to differentiate from the clutter.  

Kiri sponsored Tier 1 (MBC 1) series on the number one Drama video portal in Ramadan -, as it is 9x cheaper than to sponsor the same series on TV (50% less reach but at 200% less cost). Not wanting to rule out the most consumed channels in KSA, it also had selective tier 2 programme sponsorships on TV. Sabah El Kheir Ya Arab, the highest rated morning show in the region hosted the Digital influencers who talked about the #betterwhenshared initiative. The #BetterWhenShared boxes were also available / distributed in supermarkets! 

With Digital becoming the second largest media channel, it’s inevitable to have Facebook, Instagram, YouTube & Google Search in your media targeting to deliver mass reach. During the campaign, Zenith promoted many small digestible pieces of digital content in the form of Ramadan recipes, #BetterWhenShared Videos, DIY techniques, consumer generated Kiri Recipes, UAE fridges, and tips on Ramadan etiquettes, across all these four digital channels, giving the target audience valuable content that would help make their Ramadan even more special.  


Business: After distributing thousands of boxes, Kiri surpassed its initial objectives in only the 1st half of Ramadan, reaching 18.5% MS in June 2016 (+3pts vs June 2015) on total processed cheese in KSA! While Puck remained flat despite having a higher investment in Ramadan 2016. 

Brand: Increased brand TOM in June 2016 by 2pts VS the previous six months average. Breaking record on Consideration @94% (4pts ahead on YTD) 

Behavioural: 100,000 (10% growth) New Fans on FB & Instagram & 18,000 (69% growth) Organic New Fans. Campaign Reached 13,774,941 (70% of the universe) people on Facebook (Paid + Organic) with 767,476 & 75,000 Unique Engagements on Facebook (Like, Comment, Share) & Instagram. A Total views of 13 Million  & 1.6 Million for all content on Facebook and YouTube.

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Saudi Arabia
United Arab Emirates
May - June 2016
Zenith Media
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