Leia para uma criança

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Increasingly, it is necessary to do more to society and to the development of the country, demanding concrete and relevant materials for the whole society. 

Itau, for believing in education as the changing power of the country, started a huge incentive movement in 2012 for reading. In 2013, the focus was on how this action could happen: everywhere and every time, how it could become a routine. The following year, Itau presented the reasons that reading was so important, showing everybody the benefits provided by the development of children's learning.  

For the 2015 campaign, the insight was that the world can change when you choose to change your world and reading for a child can change the world. 


The strategy used in this campaign was to give adults responsibility for the growth and development of their children. Making common adults in heroes bringing their children playfully closer to them, strengthening their affective linking. 

In the main film agency DPZ&T portrayed the adult as a hero, in the other parts of the campaign, it showed them as common people, who have been reading for their children. 

Through this set (playful +reality), it could inspire and motivate more people, showing them the power of reading. Reading to a child is a simple action that contributes for the development of learning, helping them to express themselves and transmits values for their growth.  

Itau invests in actions like this one, believing in education as the changing power of this country. 


To create demand in this continental territory, a mix of very comprehensive and forceful means was necessary. Furthermore, it needed unprecedented and extraordinary actions involving the population from the campaign start. 

Main Open TV was selected (with 60% share in Brazil) and its main programme that had affinity with the various targets and had in its content, language and actions of the campaign. 

It used the character of a teacher with a preponderant role in the plot of a popular community and was turned into a 3-minute intervention in content, combining history with merchandising, integrated with online social networks where celebrities could call and comment on the action happening  on TV. 

The content remained on the station site for one month. This type of intervention in TV and Digital, has never been allowed before and only occurred by the nature of the campaign. 

The second innovative action in the Brazilian capital, was the delivery of the newspaper Metro made exclusively for "Read To A Child" and distributed to parents on the streets in the evening on their return from work, reinforcing the importance of reading. 

The whole campaign was composed of Open TV, Pay TV, Magazine, Newspaper, Radio, Film and Digital. 


The release action campaign (Open TV) saw an average of 27.5 rating points, representing 17.3 million households impacted. 

The target averaged 13.7 points and 17.5 million people. During the time when the action was shown, it had the highest average audience compared to the other breaks of the programme. 

On social networks, there were more than 10 million interactions, and 2,000 consisted of photo uploads from users. 

Spontaneously the hashtag presented at conveyed parts was used 8,300 times. 

The videos were seen more than 33 million times, with an average 20% viewing duration. 

There were more than 334 million impressions throughout the campaign14 million of which happened on launch day. 

Over 45 million people were reached on Facebook. 

4 million books were produced and distributed. 

The campaign affected 120 million people in total, accounting for 90coverage, with a frequency of 29.7 and 3.5 BI impacts.

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