Programmatic Audio Ads

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Premium inventory and new vehicles to impact people are missing in the programmatic space. Most of the inventory already integrated is part of remnant inventory to which all advertisers and agencies are invited to bid.

For the automotive category differentiation is key to gain consideration in intenders who are looking for the best option, keeping in mind that most media is full and hired so to gain new spaces becomes more difficult than an odyssey, especially in the segment of car Chrysler was trying to push (Dodge Vision) which is oriented to users who are going to buy a car for a very first time. This segment is called “Segment B” in the marketing automotive industry and is the most competed segment among all different types of cars in México with strong brands such as Nissan, Hyundai, Chevrolet and others.

So the agency knew that it was not with the highest budget so it needed to do things differently; traditional media was going to make Dodge Vision seem small against competitors and digital media in the traditional space with traditional inventory was not enough if it did not cross data – inventory  - exclusivity in a sophisticated way.


Dodge Vision is focused in an open target from 20 to 44 years old who is looking to buy a car for the first time. They are people who work for more than 9 hours per day, singles or just married looking for control their life. On the other hand, the agency knew that these people spend 70% of their time in the office working in front of the computer so massive media has only 30% of opportunity of their day to take advantage. Also TV and OOH are so expensive and broad to give the ROI needed.

Keeping in mind that most of the spaces are cannibalised by competitors (competitors investment same period of time and segment represents more than 96% against Chrysler’s investment) but it was going to gain differentiation on digital with not guaranteed and traditional buying; Automation though programmatic with exclusive formats was the key.

It found this target group has something in common; music (more than 80% declares they like it; TGI Latina), and this can be translated in a very important media for this category; radio (60% of penetration; TGI). So the agency needed to connect the same strategy of radio on digital using radio and music streaming as a reach extender of traditional radio (similar than video works for Open and Paid TV). But that inventory did not exist in programmatic (Spotify buys are based on high CPM´s & are not automated or self-served) so it looked at a partner to connect this inventory 100% programmatically. An important fact is that 70% of radio users declare they listened to radio streaming daily in their office and on their way to work.


In collaboration with Audio Ads (supported by RedMas) Cadreon connected the radio-streaming offer in LatAm to the programmatic world. The integration was based under the same rules of any PMP (private market place) integration, respecting sophisticated ways to reach the audience and opening the possibility to segment by genre, age, geo target, device, category, time, day and many other options. The formats integrated were audio spot (same format than traditional radio) and a companion banner in the music-streaming site under a CPM model managed programmatically.

 With this integration Cadreon was able to control the campaign (reach and frequency) with different formats such as video, display and audio. This integration is unique in LatAm and only Cadreon is able to offer this fully programmatic to Chrysler or any other client.

It started buying some layers of data looking for intend users located in segment B (those looking for a Dodge Vision or other car of competitors in last month). Then it impacted those users with any format (video, display or audio ad) and collected first party data (Dodge Vision intend users who entered to the website) so it was able to retarget them with other formats and not repeating same first impact with same format that drove them to the website for a first time. Cadreon basically controlled multi digital touchpoints in same user so the digital advertisement was not intrusive. It was able to maintain a unique reach and frequency throughout the entire campaign.


Chrysler was able to reach 267,000 listeners with the audio spot apart of the 1.5 MM of users reached by the entire digital campaign. This represents 30% of traditional radio listeners and with the segmentation by timing, Cadreon ensured that the overlapping was minimised so car drivers listened the traditional audio spot at a different time than radio streaming listener.

The brand reported at the end of the campaign that it maintained sales of the car (in a complicated and aggressive month full of launches) and also found brand recognition from users who applied via a form or to ask for a test drive declaring they listened to the commercial brand in radio streaming (Client data). In addition, the agency was able to deliver insights about the target audience such as their preferred music, artist and device from the listener.


Digital automation: Check
Exclusive offer: Check
Control in house of the entire campaign: Check
New and unique way to gain differentiation in campaigns: Check
Good results in sales: Check
Good brand recognition: Check.

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