Unexpected music

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  • Schweppes Unexpected Big Festival, Biarritz, July 2010 Schweppes Thumbnail
  • Schweppes Unexpected Music app
  • Schweppes Music app
  • Schweppes Music app screengrab

Apps provide an excellent opportunity for brands to engage with consumers on a regular basis in a non-selling relationship. The best apps provide a useful service or a diverting piece of entertainment, and the very best apps deliver a little of both.

The key element is to ensure that the brand and app are a perfect fit, which can prove a struggle for some brands when a suitable app idea isn't immediately obvious.

For Schweppes, it would have been very easy for the brand to put out a predictable bar finder or cocktail recipe app, but several hundred such apps already exists. To coincide with its 2010 European re-branding program, Schweppes needed to find a way to exploit the potential benefits of a branded app, without duplicating the plethora of apps already available.

Music is always a popular tool used by brands, due to its universal appeal. Many brands have successfully delivered music based experiences to consumers, and several have even programmed events for competition winners.

As broadband connectivity grows across the world, the popularity of music streaming services - such as Spotify - has also grown, allowing user to access massive music libraries without having to purchase or store MP3 files. Developments in mobile technology mean that it is now possible for users to stream music through their smartphone handsets.

For a €1.59 monthly subscription, users could also access re-broadcasts of sessions and concerts.


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Schweppes Orangina International
Drinks (non-alcoholic)
September 2010 - ongoing
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