This woman's work

by Mark St. Andrew,, 11 July 2011, 01:27 AM

The way brands talk to mothers has changed dramatically over recent years, mostly - but not always - for the better. While there are an enlightened few that have recognised the role of mum, and the brands she chooses in the modern family, others are still woefully outdated in their thinking. So what are the most common mistakes, and what are the best strategies?


To investigate the answers to these questions, I was fortunate enough to spend an hour with Flamingo CEO Kirsty Fuller just a few days after the global brand consultancy had presented an event dedicated to mums and marketing, the title of which I've borrowed for my introduction. Kirsty's insights are complemented with a selection of mother and family orientated case studies from the Cream case study library.

Download the full report here.

(Thanks to Peter Rivera for the cover image, and Kate Bush for the title.)


The way brands talk to mothers
has changed dramatically over recent
years, mostly - but not always - for the
better. While there are an enlightened
few that have recognised the role of
mum, and the brands she chooses
in the modern family, others are still
woefully outdated in their thinking.
So what are the most common
mistakes, and what are the best
strategies? To investigate the answers
to these questions, I was fortunate
enough to spend an hour with
Flamingo CEO Kirsty Fuller just
a few days after the global brand
consultancy had presented an event
dedicated to mums and marketing,
the title of which I've borrowed for my
Kirsty's insights are complemented
with a selection of mother and family
orientated case studies from the
Cream case study library.


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