Consumers are used to shopping around online for their next car, and Isobar wanted to increase the chances of that next car being a Fiat.
A different way to experience a car online was needed. So the agency created a revolutionary way for people to visit a car dealership without leaving their homes.
It created the world's first point-of-view Auto Store. Only at Fiat Live Store you can have a guided-tour with an Expert that will introduce every car and answer every question, totally live. The Experts use an eye-level camera that gives you an inside-the-car-feeling, without leaving your desktop or tablet. It was live everyday from 10am to 10pm. If you don't feel like talking to an Expert, just hitch a ride on someone else's tour. In the end, you can schedule a test drive in the nearest Fiat dealer.
On the media planning, the biggest innovation was to drive the users directly to the car that they were browsing, totally live, without leaving their houses. Every ad was able to track the users' interest and lead them to Live Store, to know how it feels to be inside that specific model.
To launch Live Store, Isobar set up a campaign that was every bit of innovative as the store itself. High-impact ad pieces were placed on Brazil's biggest portals, simultaneously. Meanwhile, an intriguing film was running on the country's main channels, generating a huge repercussion amongst the population.
Open to the public since September 2013, Fiat Live Store already has impressive results to share:
- Average of 465,000 monthly users
- Average of 280 live video-chats per day
- 67.4% of the live video-chats led to test drives
- Average of 7.5 minutes spent on a live video-chat
- 19.3% increase on test drives on Fiat dealers, comparing to last year results.