Amongst men between 15 and 40, awareness of testicular cancer and its symptoms are very low. The cancer can be easily detected with a simple self examination and if detected early it can be successfully treated in 99% of the cases. NGO Veritas Spiriti wanted to educate men how to self-examine and motivate them to do it regularly.
The target group doesn’t worry about things like cancer, so the charity wanted to deliver multiple repetitions of the core message in a funny way.
Veritas Spiriti decided to literally give men “a hand” in checking themselves. The charity created cut outs of hands complete with information about the checks in football stadiums, in the gym, in barber shops and in changing rooms as well as at the car wash and snooker rooms. In Macedonian slang, testicles are also known as eggs, so Veritas Spiriti stamped the message on eggs sold at local markets. This was supported by a website ( containing more details and facts about testicular cancer. There were banners resembling women’s breasts with a zip over them. Once the banner is “unzipped” two eggs were revealed underneath with the message.
Prior to the campaign around 1% of men were aware of testicular cancer, but afterwards there was a 74% awareness. Ministry of Health data revealed that the number of doctor visits for checking testicular cancer were 11% higher after the campaign. Finally the internet banners were clicked 1100% more then the regular banners.