Although Nana is one of the leading brands of feminine care in Lebanon, it still competes with Always as the brand of choice for young Arab women especially for ‘ultra’ – its thin sanitary napkin product offering. In Jordan, the preference for thick towels dominates the market meaning brands such as Always and Cinderella beat out Nana which is still a less popular brand in comparison.
Feminine care is a very sensitive topic in Lebanon and even more so in Jordan where young Arab women are far less vocal about the topic. Nana aimed to be the brand that broke through that perceived taboo by making the needs of feminine care a topic of conversation that was as normal as anything else these women shared with their friends.
Young Arab women aged 16-24 find comfort, strength and inspiration in their best friends. They feel very embarrassed talking about their period and pads; and mishaps associated with sanitary pads are considered to be girls’ most humiliating situations. They live in fear of being publicly embarrassed and so they always rely on their best friend to check their pants! “Can you check my pants?” is a phrase that dominates their period week.
Nana wanted to encourage every young Arab woman to live without fear during their monthly period and to remove one extra responsibility of the best friend to check their pants for a possible embarrassing situation, and replace it with walking side by side with them in exploring the other experiences life has in store! Grab your BFF. Seize the moment. Embrace your strength. And with Nana, embark on a “LIVE FEARLESS” adventure!
The target audience is highly socially active, mainly on Facebook, which is the preferred platform to stay connected, share information and consume content.
Thus in an online, reality based web series named #LIVEFEARLESS, Nana gave young women the chance to embark on an extraordinary journey with their BFF, to explore what it truly means to live fearless.
To build credibility and start normalising the category, Zenith kicked off the campaign with powerful social influencers from these markets based on a set of criteria including their number of followers, likeability, fan engagement and brand fit.
On one hand, it selected Ingrid Bawab, a young singer and contestant of the Voice 2014 from Lebanon, who picked her best friend and cousin Joy to head to Japan on a fearless journey of colourful transformation. On the other hand, from Jordan it chose Hiba Bustami, a young fashion blogger, who grabbed her BFF - her sister, and set off to Iceland!
The agency captured 52 minutes of highly engaging and entertaining content that was split across 11 videos, which strategically flooded the Nana Facebook page and made the platform a frequent destination for these girls.
Then, it encouraged other young women to take part in their own “Live Fearless” journey through these influencers’ experiences in Japan and Iceland by submitting photos of themselves with their best friend for the opportunity to win their own “Live Fearless” adventure. It selected two winners and took them and their BFFs on the trip of a lifetime to Botswana!
Zenith achieved the brand’s total year (2015) sales objectives within two months after the launch of the campaign. By June 2015, Nana volume shares in the Ultra segment increased by 18% in Lebanon and 35% in Jordan.
For once, Arab girls felt comfortable and confident talking about pads and periods; whereby it was reaching 50% of the audience on a weekly basis only through Facebook with a 10% engagement rate and a high CTR of 15%.
Lebanese and Jordanian girls warmed up to the content with 2.5 million views (TA population 960,000) and participation exceeded KPIs by 170%.