In Colombia, eight in 10 women have experienced a vaginal infection. However, in Colombia this is a taboo subject, a secret that no woman wants to talk about. Women suffer stigmatisation by the false belief that these infections are caused by sexual promiscuity, and this is why they prefer to go directly to the doctor, and they don’t dare to speak about it openly. Mediacom Colombia’s challenge was to make women, who suffer physically and emotionally with a vaginal infection, see in Gynocanesten an immediate solution to treat it without the need of going to the doctor, and therefore, recommending it to other women.
Women who suffer vaginal infections face the problem in many different ways, depending on their personality. Many feel guilty, others distressed, some take the concern to the extreme, others see the doctor as the only solution, but very few are indifferent, the only thing they have in common is that they will only share their problem in spaces of trust and intimacy.
Mediacom decided to recreate and massify the most intimate space between women, and the web was the best place to do it. The agency stimulated a conversation between friends and Gynocanesten, in a bid to create a massive-intimate chat to put aside the embarrassment, and demonstrate that it’s a problem that can affect any kind of woman.
This activity lived within the digital platform. Mediacom used a web-reality show called “Son5” “They´re5” as the vehicle of communication. Five celebrities had to compete between each other on different challenges: getting the brand message as far as possible and stimulating the conversations with their followers and fans. This was based on four pillars: entertain, educate, demystify and recommend. Each celebrity had a different personality in order to amplify the message to the target according to their interests and the way they dealt with their life issues. The personalities created were: a fashionista, a conservative, a romantic, an outgoing and a feminist. The celebrity who achieved greater engagement and outreach with fans and followers and get more votes from the audience, would be the winner, and Gynocanesten would become a key player in a women’s life.
Gynocanesten created a full-content digital platform for women where its five influencers shared five points of view, five ways to solve problems, and five styles to reach out to women through audio, video, and written content. A tailor made digital radio station was made for the brand that was on 24 hours based on the insight that sapping wasn´t a common behaviour in the target, so found a way to engage them for the longest time possible. It also had activations where the celebrities came out to public places to broadcast live getting closer to the target.
Within the music programming, the brand talked about fashion, style, romanticism, music, entertainment, sexuality, and started to talk about vaginal infections making it a topic of daily-life conversation, using entertainment and content related to demystifying and educating women about vaginal infections.
Mediacom was able to reach more audiences through paid media. Knowing where people were asking intimate questions, the agency used Google search and display ads, and gave Gynocanesten TV mentions in programmes closely related to women lifestyle. was the place where the blogs and the radio station were hosted. It also had downloadable educational content and was a space for debates between them and their audience. Besides this, the five influencers used their own networks like Twitter and Facebook to expand content and intimate issues.
Gynocanesten managed to massify an intimate conversation about vaginal infections without a taboo, driving 540,000 unique visitors to its website with 1,787,498 pages views and 6,000 vaginal tips downloaded. Conversations about the brand went from 0 to 3,500 without having owned social profiles. The WOM was so powerful that it even became a trending topic three times in Colombia.
Visits to increased 372%, and more importantly, women did not have to go to the doctor to get a quick and fast solution to solve the problem, resulting in sales increasing 80%.
Audience stood over 90 minutes listening to programming schedule, winning 30% of the audience share of on-line stations segment.
The Reality Show became headline in a lot a massive media in Colombia, worth USD $380,000. In the most watched magazine on TV, the celebrities were invited to tell their experience with Gynocanesten, airing over one hour of earned media.